Category Archives: Family Travel

Road Trips and Toll Booths

On a recent trip that took me through four states, I learned the importance of reading through the princted directions. Mainly, paying attention to the number of tolls and the distance between them.

The further they are from each other, the more you will pay and in cash! These tolls don’t take credit cards even when there is an attendant. Some of the tolls were $25.00. Luckily, we took extra cash so we were okay but it did add up.

It is an experience I will never forget and one I tell to everyone.

Family Reunions-Better Now than Never

How many times have you thought how fun it would be to have a family reunion? How many family members have you lost or kept track of since then? There have been a few times where I did not make it a priority to attend a family get together either because I would have to rearrange a full schedule or it was out of town and there would be travel expenses. I wish I had gone.

My mom is great at talking about her childhood and family and could go on for hours, whereas my dad needs to be asked all the time. My close cousins are in different states and I don’t know their kids as we always lived away from each other.

So, what about that reunion? Don’t wait. NO excuses. Just do it!Image